Rules & Regulation
- Students will not be allowed to enter the premise of the college without proper uniform except holiday.
- No absenteeism will be allowed without guardian’s consent.
- No regional communication will be allowed apart from English inside the premise of the college.
- No student will be permitted to go outside the campus during the college hours. If found then the student will be dealt strictly.
- If anybody is found to be late in attending the class on the specific time, unnecessarily, he or she will not be allowed to attend the class for the day.
- Wearing of ornaments are strictly prohibited in the institute.
- No excuse of absenteeism will be entertained during Class Test, Final Examination, Casual Training and Internship Programme.
- During Industrial Training and Placement choice of students will not be entertained.
- Consumption of alcohole, drugs, smoking and other addictive materials are prohibited inside the hostel and college premise.
- No raging inside the college and hostel is allowed.
- No mobile phones will be allowed during college hours.
- Extra hours of classes may implement if necessary.
- According to the rules & regulation of the institute an attendance of 80% in the campus is must, otherwise GSM will not allow to seat for the annual examination.
- Every guardian of the student has to attend the guardian meeting after every four months according to the order of the management of GSM.
- Every installment will be paid in time.